full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anote Tong: My country will be underwater soon -- unless we work together

Unscramble the Blue Letters

AT: Well, we are also looking at that because in the event that nothing comes forward from the international community, we are preparing, we don't want to be caught like what's happening in Europe. OK? We don't want to mass migrate at some point in time. We want to be able to give the plopee the choice today, those who choose and want to do that, to migrate. We don't want something to heappn that they are foercd to migrate without having been prepared to do so. Of course, our culture is very different, our society is very different, and once we migrate into a different environment, a different crutule, there's a whole lot of adjustments that are required.

Open Cloze

AT: Well, we are also looking at that because in the event that nothing comes forward from the international community, we are preparing, we don't want to be caught like what's happening in Europe. OK? We don't want to mass migrate at some point in time. We want to be able to give the ______ the choice today, those who choose and want to do that, to migrate. We don't want something to ______ that they are ______ to migrate without having been prepared to do so. Of course, our culture is very different, our society is very different, and once we migrate into a different environment, a different _______, there's a whole lot of adjustments that are required.


  1. culture
  2. happen
  3. forced
  4. people

Original Text

AT: Well, we are also looking at that because in the event that nothing comes forward from the international community, we are preparing, we don't want to be caught like what's happening in Europe. OK? We don't want to mass migrate at some point in time. We want to be able to give the people the choice today, those who choose and want to do that, to migrate. We don't want something to happen that they are forced to migrate without having been prepared to do so. Of course, our culture is very different, our society is very different, and once we migrate into a different environment, a different culture, there's a whole lot of adjustments that are required.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
sea level 5
climate change 5
phoenix islands 3
united nations 3
rising sea 2
floating islands 2
forced migration 2
difficult decision 2
license fees 2
international community 2
commercial fishing 2
vessel day 2
catch yellowfin 2

Important Words

  1. adjustments
  2. caught
  3. choice
  4. choose
  5. community
  6. culture
  7. environment
  8. europe
  9. event
  10. forced
  11. give
  12. happen
  13. happening
  14. international
  15. lot
  16. mass
  17. migrate
  18. people
  19. point
  20. prepared
  21. preparing
  22. required
  23. society
  24. time
  25. today